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African Lungfish Genome Sheds Light on the Vertebrate Water-to-land Transition
论文题目: African Lungfish Genome Sheds Light on the Vertebrate Water-to-land Transition
作者: Wang, Kun; Wang, Jun; Zhu, Chenglong; Yang, Liandong; Ren, Yandong; Ruan, Jue; Fan, Guangyi; Hu, Jiang; Xu, Wenjie; Bi, Xupeng; Zhu, Youan; Song, Yue; Chen, Huatao; Ma, Tiantian; Zhao, Ruoping; Jiang, Haifeng; Zhang, Bin; Feng, Chenguang; Yuan, Yuan; Gan, Xiaoni; Li, Yongxin; Zeng, Honghui; Liu, Qun; Zhang, Yaolei; Shao, Feng; Hao, Shijie; Zhang, He; Xu, Xun; Liu, Xin; Wang, Depeng; Zhu, Min; Zhang, Guojie; Zhao, Wenming; Qiu, Qiang; He, Shunping; Wang, Wen
联系作者: wwang@mail.kiz.ac.cn
发表年度: 2021
DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2021.01.047
摘要: Lungfishes are the closest extant relatives of tetrapods and preserve ancestral traits linked with the water-to-land transition. However, their huge genome sizes have hindered understanding of this key transition in evolution. Here, we report a 40-Gb chromosome-level assembly of the African lungfish (Protopterus annectens) genome, which is the largest genome assembly ever reported and has a contig and chromosome N50 of 1.60 Mb and 2.81 Gb, respectively. The large size of the lungfish genome is due mainly to retrotransposons. Genes with ultra-long length show similar expression levels to other genes, indicating that lungfishes have evolved high transcription efficacy to keep gene expression balanced. Together with transcriptome and experimental data, we identified potential genes and regulatory elements related to such terrestrial adaptation traits as pulmonary surfactant, anxiolytic ability, pentadactyl limbs, and pharyngeal remodeling. Our results provide insights and key resources for understanding the evolutionary pathway leading from fishes to humans
刊物名称: Cell
论文出处: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0092867421000908?via%3Dihub
影响因子: 38.637(2019年)
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