2019-03-25 | 作者: | 来源: 【打印】

  2019年3月13日,国际学术期刊《Nucleic Acids Research》在线发表了中心陈洛南研究组题为“Cell-specific network constructed by single-cell RNA sequencing data”的最新研究成果。该成果首次提出从单细胞转录组数据(scRNA-seq)为每个单细胞构建一个基因关联网络(CSN: Cell-specific network)的理论和方法,使我们第一次能够在单细胞分辨率水平上识别基因之间的相互关联(网络)。利用该方法,可以从网络的角度对scRNA-seq数据进行聚类和拟轨迹分析,为scRNA-seq数据分析开辟了新的途径,并且,该方法还能够发现在网络层面起重要作用但通常被传统的差异表达分析所忽略的“暗”基因,其准确性和鲁棒性在多个scRNA-seq公开数据集中得到验证。 


  Schematic illustration of CSN and NDM construction and our statistic model. (A) CSN and NDM construction. (i) Make scatter diagrams for every two genes, where each point represents a cell, and x- and y-values are the expression values of the two genes in the ncells. Then mgenes lead to m(m– 1)/2 scatter diagrams. (ii) In the scatter diagram of genes xand y, the plot iwith red color means there is an edge between genes xand yin the cell inetwork based on our statistic model, and if the plot is blue, there is no edge. Then, we can construct ncell-specific networks corresponding to ncells, respectively. (iii) By counting the number of edges connected to each gene in each CSN, we can get the network degree matrix, which is still comprised of mrows and ncolumns, as the same as GEM, and thus it can be analyzed by any existing method. (B) Our statistic model for edge between genes xand y. Near the plot or cell k, make the light and medium grey boxes to represent the neighborhood of xkand ykrespectively. The intersection of two boxes is the dark grey box, which represents the neighborhood of (xk, yk). The number of plots in the light, medium and dark grey boxes is nx(k),ny(k)and nxy(k)respectively. Design the statistic as ρxy(k). If xand yare independent of each other, the statistic follows normal distribution and the mean value and variance can be calculated. If the statistic ρxy(k)is larger than a significant level, label plot kwith red color, which means there is an edge between xand yin cell k; otherwise there is no edge.





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