
研究成果以通讯作者在Science, Nature Genetics, PNAS, Current Biology, Molecular Biology and Evolution, EcologyConservation Biology等期刊上发表。研究领域:保护基因组学、保护遗传学、保护生态学、保护行为学。担任中华人民

共和国濒危物种科学委员会副主任、中国动物学会副理事长、兽类学分会理事长、中国生态学会副理事长、国际保护生物学会中国分会主席、世界兽类学家联合会执委;Conservation Biology亚洲区域编辑,Proceedings of the Royal Society B, Integrative ZoologyCurrent Zoology,兽类学报、动物学研究等刊物编委;IUCN物种生存委员会熊类专家组成员;国家林业局第四次大熊猫调查专家委员会主任委员,国家林业局第二次陆生野生动物调查专家委员会主任委员。  




1. Wei FW*, Robert Costanza, Dai Q, Natalie Stoeckl, Gu XD, Stephen Farber, Nie YG, Ida Kubiszewski, Hu YB, Ronald Swaisgood, Yang XY, Michael Bruford, Chen YP, Alexey Voinov, Qi DW, Megan Owen, Yan L, Daniel C. Kenny, Zhang ZJ, Hou R, Jiang SW, Liu HB, Zhan XJ, Zhang L, Yang B, Zhao LJ. 2018. The Value of Ecosystem Services from Giant Panda Reserves. Current Biology. In Press. Available online 28 June 2018. 


2.Hu YB, Wu Q, Ma S, Ma TX, Shan L, Wang X, Nie YG, Ning ZM, Yan L, Xiu YF, Wei FW*. 2017. Comparative genomics reveals convergent evolution between the bamboo-eating giant and red pandas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114(5):1081–1086. 


3.Nie YG, Speakman JR, Wu Q, Zhang CL, Hu YB, Xia MH, Yan L, Hambly C, Wang L, Wei W, Zhang JG, Wei FW*. 2015. Exceptionally low daily energy expenditure in the bamboo-eating giant panda. Science, 349(6244):171-174. 


4.Wei FW*, Wang X, Wu Q. 2015. The giant panda gut microbiome. 2015. Trends in Microbiology, 23(8):450-452. 


5.Wei FW*, Swaisgood RR, Hu YB, Nie YG, Yan L, Zhang ZJ, Qi DW, Zhu LF. 2015. Progress in the ecology and conservation of giant pandas. Conservation Biology, DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12582. 


6.Shan L, Hu YB, Zhu LF, Yan L, Wang CD, Li DS, Jin XL, Zhang CL, Wei FW*. 2014. Large-scale genetic survey provides insights into the captive management and reintroduction of giant pandas. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 31:2663-26. 


7.Nie YG, Zhang ZJ, Raubenheimer D, Elser J, Wei W, Wei FW*. 2014. Obligate herbivory in an ancestrally carnivorous lineage: the giant panda and bamboo from the perspective of nutritional geometry. Functional Ecology, doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12302.


8.Zhang L, Wu Q, Hu YB, Wu H, Wei FW*. 2014. Major histocompatibility complex alleles associated with parasite susceptibility in wild giant pandas. Heredity, doi:10.1038/hdy.2014.73.


9.Wu Q, Zheng PP, Hu YB, Wei FW*. 2014. Genome-scale analysis of demographic history and adaptive selection. Protein Cell, 5:99-112.


10.Zhu LF, Hu YB, Qi DW, Wu H, Zhan XJ, Zhang ZJ, Bruford MW, Wang JL, Yang XY, Gu XD, Zhang L, Zhang BW, Zhang SN, Wei FW*. 2013. Genetic consequences of historical anthropogenic and ecological events on giant pandas. Ecology, 94: 2346-2357.


11.Zhao SC, Zheng PP, Dong SS, Zhan XJ, Wu Q, Guo XS, Hu YB, He WM, Zhang SN, Fan W, Zhu LF, Li D, Zhang XM, Chen Q, Zhang HM, Zhang ZH, Jin XL, Zhang JG, Yang HM, Wang J, Wang J, Wei FW*. 2013. Whole genome sequencing of giant pandas provides insights into demographic history and local adaptation. Nature Genetics, 45:67-71.


12.Zhu LF, Wu Q, Dai JY, Zhang SN, Wei FW*. 2011. Evidence of cellulose metabolism by the giant panda gut microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 108(43): 17714-17719.


13.Zhan XJ, Li M, Zhang ZJ, Goossens B, Chen YP, Wang HJ, Bruford MW, Wei FW*. 2006. Molecular censusing doubles giant panda population estimate in a key nature reserve. Current Biology, 16: R451-452.


14.Zhang BW, Li M, Zhang ZJ, Goossens B, Zhu LF, Zhang SN, Hu JC, Bruford MW, Wei FW*. 2007. Genetic viability and population history of the giant panda, putting an end to the evolutionary dead end? Molecular Biology and Evolution, 24:1801–1810.


15.Wei FW*, Hu YB, Zhu LF, Bruford MW, Zhan XJ, Zhang L. 2012. Black and white and read all over: the past, present and future of giant panda genetics. Molecular Ecology, 21:5660-5674.

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