赵方庆2-s copy.jpg
赵方庆, 1980年4月,博士,研究员,中科院北京生科院科研部副主任、技术平台主任。现任Briefings in Bioinformatics , Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatitcs , BMC Evolutionary Biology , Hereditas等国际刊物编委,中国生物工程学会计算生物学与生物信息学专委会副主任,中国生态学会微生态专委会委员。曾获中国科学院院长特别奖(2006),国家海洋科学奖一等奖(2012),中国科学院优秀导师奖(2017)。

1. 宏基因组技术与人体健康 





 Wang J, Zheng J, Shi W, Du N, Xu X, Zhang Y, Ji P, Zhang F, Jia Z, Wang Y, Zheng Z, Zhang H &Zhao F*. Dysbiosis of maternal and neonatal microbiota associated with gestational diabetes mellitus.Gut, 2018, 67:1614-1625. 


Gao Y &Zhao F*. Computational approaches for exploring circular RNAs.Trends in Genetics, 2018, 34(5): 389-400. 


Zhou L &Zhao F*. Prioritization and functional assessment of noncoding variants associated with complex diseases.Genome Medicine2018, 10:53. 


Xu Y &Zhao F*. Single-cell metagenomics: challenges and applications.Protein & Cell, 2018, 9(5):501-510. 


Ji P, Zhang Y, Wang J &Zhao F*. MetaSort untangles metagneome assembly by reducing microbial community complexity.Nature Communications, 2017, 8:14306.  


Gao Y, Zhang J &Zhao F*. Circular RNA identification based on multiple seed matching. Briefings in Bioinformatics 2017, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbx014. 


Shi W, Ji P &Zhao F*. The combination of direct and paired link graphs boosts repetitive genome assembly.Nucleic Acids Res2017, 45 (6): e43. 


Peng G, Ji P &Zhao F*. A novel codon-based de Bruijn graph algorithm for gene construction from unassembled transcriptomes. Genome Biology 2016, 17:232.  


Gao Y, Wang J, Zheng Y, Zhang J, Chen S & Zhao F*. Comprehensive identification of internal structure and alternative splicing events in circular RNAs. Nature Communications 2016, 7:12060.  


Zhang Y, Ji P, Wang J & Zhao F*. RiboFR-Seq: a novel approach to linking 16S rRNA amplicon profiles to metagenomes. Nucleic Acids Res. 2016, 44:e99. 


Wang J, Gao Y & Zhao F*. Phage-bacteria interaction network in human oral microbiome.Environmental Microbiology. 2016, 18(7):2143-2158. 


Zhang Z, Xu D, Wang L, Hao J, Wang J, Zhou X, Wang W, Qiu Q, Huang X, Zhou J, Long R*, Zhao F* & Shi P*. Convergent evolution of rumen microbiomes in high-altitude mammals. Current Biology, 2016, 26(14): 1873-1879. 


Gao Y, Wang J & Zhao F*. CIRI: an efficient and unbiased algorithm for de novo circular RNA identification. Genome Biology. 2015, 16:4. 


Zhao H & Zhao F*. BreakSeek: a breakpoint-based algorithm for full spectral range INDEL detection. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015, 43 (14):6701-6703. 


Ye N^*, Zhang X^, Miao M^, Fan X^, Zheng Y, Xu D, Wang J, Zhou L, Wang D, Gao Y, Wang Y, Shi W, Ji P, Li D, Guan Z, Shao C, Zhuang Z, Gao Z, Qi J* & Zhao F*. Saccharinagenomes provide novel insight into kelp biology. Nature Communications. 2015, 6: 6986. 










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